Scientific Lectures

Scientific lectures are held, covering topics related to Hadith and its sciences, aiming to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness among the audience.
Scientific lectures stand as a prominent means to achieve the objectives of the Society of Hadith Sciences. These lectures are organized with the aim of presenting diverse and in-depth topics related to Hadith and its various sciences, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and raising awareness among the audience. The lectures cover a wide range of subjects, from the interpretation and analysis of Prophetic traditions to discussions on issues pertaining to chain of narration (isnad), textual content (matn), and the Islamic sciences associated with Hadith. Recognized experts and scholars in these fields deliver these lectures, ensuring the accuracy and quality of the content provided. These lectures strive to accomplish two main objectives: the dissemination of knowledge in the field of Hadith and its sciences, and raising awareness among the public about the significance of the Prophetic tradition in understanding and applying Islam in everyday life.